Resident and Family Information
The health and safety of our residents is always our top priority. We want everyone to be aware of the precautionary measures we have in place to protect our residents, their visitors and our associates.
We are encouraging all our residents, associates and visitors to follow the CDC guidelines below:
- Wash your hands frequently. Use soap and water and wash them for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
- If soap and water isn’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. We have several hand sanitizer pumps located in common areas throughout our communities.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when coughing and sneezing. Remember to throw away the tissue and wash your hands immediately.
- Maintain social distance. If possible, keep a distance of 6 feet between you and someone who is coughing, sneezing or has a fever.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces that can be contaminated with the virus.
- Seek emergency medical attention if you have any of the following symptoms: trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face.
As a family member or resident, you play an important role in helping prevent the spread of viruses like COVID-19. If you are a resident, please notify our staff immediately if you have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. We will assist any resident who needs help seeking medical attention. If you are a loved one of one of our residents, we respectfully ask that you avoid visiting our community and/or residents if:
- If you feel sick or have other symptoms of an illness such as fever, cough, and difficulty breathing/shortness of breath.
If you suspect that your loved one has symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that you:
- Contact the community’s Executive Director immediately.
- Contact your loved one’s personal physician.
- Contact the local health department for appropriate diagnostic laboratory test recommendations.
- Health department personnel can provide information about COVID-19 activity in the area.
Please check our Updates page for the latest information. If you have questions about COVID-19 or the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit our FAQ page.